
Nestled in the Rocky Mountains, Marigold Livestock Company grows grass, builds soil & raises nutrient dense meat.


Pasture Raised Poultry

  • truly pasture raised

  • raised regeneratively, poultry are given fresh pasture 1-2x a day

  • never treated with antibiotics

  • tender and flavorful!

  • all chicken is raised for the monthly meat subscription, Club Marigold

  • turkeys are available for reservation in November


100% Grass Fed Lamb

  • 100% grass fed and finished

  • raised regeneratively, the sheep are intensively rotated around the pastures

  • never treated with antibiotics

  • mild and delectable in flavor!


Mountain raised, rotationally grazed.

Outside under the sun and working with my hands…

These are two of the main things (in addition to delicious food!) that got Alyssa hooked on agriculture. Stewarding the land, caring for livestock, and providing nutrient dense meat are the driving forces of Marigold Livestock Co.

Marigold Livestock Co. was started in the spring of 2021, after Alyssa had a strong urge to start her own livestock operation. She spent most her 20s growing vegetables, raising chickens, turkey, pigs, cattle and sheep, and now tends to the many chickens, turkeys and sheep that call the pastures of Marigold Livestock their home.

She is a first generation farmer/rancher and has the determination and grit to build a sustainable business.